You're Invited
Our Story
How We Met
We are aware that all flights have been grounded. If you can't make the wedding, please let Lindsey, the wedding planner know ASAP - her number is (845) 797 4767 and her email is Wildflowereventsdesign@gmail.com
The Proposal
Matt proposed in Hawaii the day before our 6-year anniversary. I was so excited– and thought the answer was so obvious– that I'm pretty sure I forgot to *actually* say the word "yes." But we both knew. We knew for a long time that we would spend our lives together. We knew we were lucky! We had found a partnership that thrived while hanging out with our friends, having mop slipper dance parties in the kitchen (look it up, your life will be forever changed), watching movies for hours during couch days, and even in total silence as we both worked from home.
We knew we'd found a love made of fun, support, and only the *occasional* Burly-related breakdown. Join us to celebrate the love we've built over these last seven years, and set the stage for many more to come!