Are Getting Married!
Friday, November 8th at 5:00 PM
·The Legacy on Eighteenmile Creek·
6653 Taylor Rd, Hamburg, NY 14075
Friday, November 8th at 6:30 PM
·The Legacy on Eighteenmile Creek·
6653 Taylor Rd, Hamburg, NY 14075
Our menu: We are excited to be providing our guests with a barbecue buffet from BW's Barbecue in Hamburg. Both of us enjoyed getting takeout from BW's with our families growing up and we are excited to share their menu with you! For our main course, we will be having a buffet of chicken, ribs, pulled pork and brisket, with sides of broccoli salad, Constanzo's rolls, baby buttered spuds, mac and cheese, and vegetarian lasagna. For dessert, we will be having a wide assorting of Italian cookies from a variety of sources -- including the Mamas Morrisey and Ungaro!