
Wedding day is near!!



Here is where you can RSVP for the wedding and check out all the details you will need to know for the upcoming event! We kindly ask that you leave your kids at home and come join us for an adults night out :). Get a babysitter and make it a date night or come just have fun with friends! Open bar for all as well! This includes an assortment of wine and beer available. Be ready for photos at the Photobooth!!

David and Ashley Wedding

Saturday, February 18th at 4:30 PM

·Parker Pines Events·

259 Elwin Lane, Latta, SC 29565

Wedding starts then!! Ceremony and Reception all in same location. There will be a shuttle from Reception at 10:00pm to Holiday Inn nearby for our guests staying there for the night. We have reserved spots at hotel so please ask for a room for David Dicosimo and Ashley Shaffer Wedding. The price is around $120 per night.

Shuttle Bus to Hotel

Saturday, February 18th at 10:00 PM

·Parker Pines Events·

259 Elwin Lane, Latta, SC 29565

Shuttle leaves reception to go to Holiday Inn for our hotel guests so that everyone is safe.

What To Wear

Formal Attire Please. Dress warmly as it will be colder out.