Season 5 of Alex & Liz
We so happy you could join us on this big day. Here's how it is going down!
Friday, October 6th at 12:00 PM
·Twin Oaks Barn·
Start of the wedding day for everyone to gather before the ceremony.
Friday, October 6th at 2:00 PM
·Twin Oaks Barn·
Get your seats, sit down, and enjoy this day.
Friday, October 6th at 3:00 PM
·Twin Oaks Barn·
We need y'all out of the way, go stand outside and we'll provide games and drinks.
Friday, October 6th at 4:00 PM
·Twin Oaks Barn·
Everyone gather around for food, drinks, speeches, games, and dancing.
Friday, October 6th at 9:00 PM
·Twin Oaks Barn·
Don't have to go home but can't stay here.
We would love to see everyone in fall or neutral colors (no black or white please).