Our Story
How We Met
It all started with humble beginnings July of 2019, we were both cashier's at Joe V's Smart Shop. I remember my manager coming to me and saying "Murphy, you have some competition on your hands, we have hired someone who smiles more than you." "She is on register 6." So I preceded ever so smoothly with a Hershey chocolate with almonds to register 6 and introduced myself. Who knew you could still find love in the grocery store :) Seeing Manal's smile will brighten up anyone's day and seeing her smile for the first time is something that I will never forget.
The Proposal
October 29, 2022. This was a day that called for dinner at Brenner's on the Bayou, one of our favorite restaurants in Houston. As a guy the proposal never goes as planned but I think I executed it very smoothly lol. Manal will tell you that she knew something was up, and that I seemed nervous but I tried my best to play it cool. The restaurant knew that I was proposing so they gave us their best service and even had a will you marry me sign in the garden. The plan was to have 2 of my lab mates from Baylor college of Medicine come and take photos of us and capture the proposal during golden hour for the best quality photos; however the food took longer than expected to come out and Manal says Eric are you ok it looks like you're sweating. I knew that my photographers were already there and the sun was beginning to set so I pulled a bold move and asked Manal if we could take the rest our food togo; and our servers says "Make sure you guys walk through the garden it is beautiful out there today". He through the ultimate Alley-oop and we took the scenic route through the garden. In the garden I pretended not to know our photographers and as soon as we got to the Will you Marry me sign. I dropped to one knee and said "Manal Mansoor, you are the woman that I prayed for, I love you with all of my heart, and I promise to cherish you each and everyday of our lives." "Will you Marry Me?" :)