
Are Getting Married!

You're Invited

June 15th, 2024

The Oakley on the Lake

2475 Pemmican Run

Gainesville GA, 30504

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Our Story

How We Met

We strongly believe God has been in the midst and orchestrating our story all along.

Although we initially met in college (attending different universities), the bond we share today would take years to form. Throughout college and into adult years, family and friendships would allow our paths to cross at times; and while exchanges were always cordial, they were often infrequent and brief. But, in Summer 2022, our paths would cross one more time allowing for the beginning of what we share today. Tavaris and I begin dating (late Summer 2022) and quickly realized how much we had in common, how our visions and values aligned, and how easy it was to talk about anything with each other. The rest is history…

And to think that it all started with a last-minute invite for me to join a family trip to Florida…

The Proposal

It all started when Tavaris was promoted to a new role at work.. New role meaning ideal opportunity for family to get together and celebrate. So shortly after learning of his promotion, Tavaris begin communicating to Tiffany the 'Promotion Party' that his family was putting together to celebrate his new accomplishment. While Tavaris worked around the clock updating Tiffany on the details of the "Promotion Party", he spent the rest of his time orchestrating with family the plans around the Engagement (that the "Promotion Party" was just the cover for).

On June 9, 2023 (3 days before Tavaris started his new role), Tiffany and Tavaris arrived at LOA Rooftop in downtown Atlanta for the "Promotion Party". Tavaris and Tiffany's families were already present- with Tavaris family in the area where the event would occur, while Tiffany's family waited in a separate room. Upon entering the Rooftop, they were greeted by members of Tavaris's family. Shortly after arrival Tavaris’s Dad gave a toast, thanking everyone for coming out to celebrate. Immediately after Tavaris asked to give a toast where he told his family that he wanted to dedicate the night to Tiffany, whom he mentioned was not only critical to the success he was experiencing, but was also in the midst of a major professional transition of her own. Tavaris continued and told everyone that he had some "guests" in attendance that wanted to help them celebrate the night, as Tiffany's family including (Mom, Dad, Grandmother, and siblings) appeared from the room they had been waiting in.

Once both families were finally all together and emotions slightly eased, Tavaris grabbed Tiffany by the hand and asked to spend the rest of their lives together… And as we know, Tiffany said yes!