Elizabeth Rose & Nicole Denise

Better Together

Elizabeth Rose Tague
Nicole Denise Belloma

Jun 7th, 2024

At Old Carter Barn

Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania

Old Carter Barn

235 Shore Drive

Tunkhannock PA, 18657

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Our Story

How We Met

Our love story unfolds in a modern tale, originating from a digital connection on a dating app—a testament not to our laziness but rather a reflection of our generation's dynamics. From the initial conversation, the spark between us was undeniable, foretelling something extraordinary. Two months prior to Elizabeth's departure for a teaching position in South Korea, we embraced the commitment of a relationship. Despite the thousands of miles that separated us, our bond only deepened. Elizabeth returned from South Korea ahead of schedule, and in that moment, it became evident that our connection was too profound to be severed. From then on, we knew that our hearts could never bear the distance again.