Our Story
How We Met
Jack and Shelby have know each other since 6th grade, which means they walked through all the awkward stages of life together. While in middle school, Jack grew to have a crush and it continued into high school. Although Shelby was completely clueless, they still grew to be close friends. Once we graduated, Jack went to the military and Shelby went to Texas A&M University where we kept in contact while we started to figure out our adult lives. In August of 2021, Jack came to a concert in College Station and invited Shelby to go along. The concert was a ton of fun and resulted in Shelby developing a crush for Jack. However, the timing wasn't right, so we both had to wait a little while longer to ask each other out, not knowing that we both had a crush on each other at the time. Fast Forward to December 2021, Jack asked Shelby to go on a “friend date”, little did he know that Shelby had been crushing for a while now. So, they talked as they walked around the San Antonio Zoo and ate at Cheesy Janes, which opened up the opportunity they had both been waiting for. So, they decided to ask each other out, officially this time. This quickly turned into several dates and a relationship only a few days later. The rest is history in the making.
The Proposal
The proposal took place during Shelbys family's beach trip. Jack had talked to her family for months figuring out a plan to surprise her. On the day, Shelby and her family went down to the beach for a walk. Jack had informed her that he wouldn't be there till late that night due to work. However, he left earlier that morning to set up the proposal. He ended up getting to the beach only a few minutes before Shelby's family and had to hide in his truck till they got into the condo. He went down to the beach and put together the proposal which included flowers, a blanket, pillows, and candles. The ring was placed in an ornamental clam shell. When Jack was set up, he texted Shelby's sisters and they started to bring her down to the beach. They told Shelby that they were going to take family photos on the beach, which she did reluctantly (at first). As Shelby walked down to the beach she started getting suspicious and her face lit up when she saw Jack. Jack got down on one knee, forgot everything he had planned to say and Shelby of course said "YES!". This was only the beginning of our love story and we can't wait for the rest.