Sam & Danielle



We're so thrilled to have two full days to celebrate with you!

Join us on Saturday for a casual welcome day of games and community before a sunset havdalah ceremony and ketubah signing. A formal wedding ceremony will be held at 4pm on Sunday with dinner and reception to follow.

Saturday, September 28th

1:30 PM

Welcome Day at Brookledge

7177 Antioch Road, Middle Grove, NY 12850

Join us for lawn games, snacks, Wertz-Priven trivia and more!

5:30 PM

Havdalah Candle-Lighting at Brookledge

Havdalah is Shabbat’s closing ritual. One of Danielle's favorite interpretations of this ceremony is that on Friday night, we light two separate candles to represent how our body and mind have disconnected throughout a busy week. After a full day of rest, we light a braided candle to represent that we are emerging from Shabbat, whole again. On this incredibly special weekend, we begin as two separate communities, side-by-side. After a day of connection, we're thrilled to observe Havdalah as one interwoven community :) !!!!

Sunday, September 29th

4:00 PM

Wedding Ceremony at Brookledge

7177 Antioch Road, Middle Grove, NY

4:30 PM

Cocktail Hour

6:00 PM

Dinner & Dancing at Brookledge

What To Wear


Anything comfortable, festive and casual. Think New York fall: corn hole, jeans, layers, and anything cozy!
To clarify: not fancy!


Cocktail, semi-formal, festive/ Forest-chic! :) Think dresses, jumpsuits, fancy pants/tops, suits, & ties. Remember layers!
Access to the ceremony space will require walking on gravel, so please be mindful of your shoe choice. (We recommend avoiding stilettos, but block heels, wedges, sandals and sneakers are a great choice!)