Our Story
How We Met
One fateful day in 2018, Jon returned to work at the bank from his lunch break and noticed a pretty little lady standing in line. After she completed her transaction, she had a more in-depth question so she was sent to Jon's office for help (the tellers knew he would be MORE than happy to assist). She walked into his office and Jon recalls thinking: "I owe the tellers a nice lunch for this". Samantha asked her question and it went like many of the questions asked by her: she continued talking until she pretty much answered it herself. Jon didn't seem to mind.
Well, in the following months, Samantha had so many questions you'd think she was interested in a lifelong career as a loan officer. Regardless of what Jon says, Samantha maintains that these were REAL questions and she only asked him those questions because he was just so good as his job. It was always "professional".
One afternoon, while on their weekly phone call, Samantha, looking to take their “professional” relationship another direction, asked Jon if he would be interested in having dinner. Later that same day, they went out to eat, and despite the tie-die shirt Samantha wore, the rest of their lives had just begun. Some things just go better together, and probably always will.
The Proposal
One night in July of 2022, Jon asked Samantha if she wanted to go to an escape room together. Anyone who knows Samantha knows her love (or obsession) with escape rooms. However, this was an unusual request because typically it was her dragging a reluctant Jon to one. Knowing she’d be suspicious, or wonder if he had suffered some sort of brain damage, Jon told her some friends were coming to town and they wanted to go to one. About an hour or so before they were supposed to go, Jon’s friends “cancelled”, but he insisted it was silly to waste since it was already paid for.
While in the escape room, Samantha, completely clueless of the set up, and frantically trying to find Buddy the dog to take him back home, was opening a backpack with the final clues. She rummaged through the bag, taking out several items and discarding what she described as an “engagement ring?”. After fully emptying the bag, she tried to make sense of how the ring would help her find Buddy.
Then, realizing Jon had stopped being useful in helping get Buddy home, she looked over to Jon who had been repeatedly saying "babe" and saw that he was down on one knee. After the third time a skeptical Samantha had said "are you serious?", and he had lovingly stated "you're my best friend and I want to spend the rest of my life with you", she realized, that he was in fact, serious. She ecstatically replied "of course!". Simultaneously they both could hear all the escape room employees, who were watching the camera in the surveillance room, cheering with joy.
The proposal could not have been any more perfect for them both and they could not have been any happier than they were at that moment.