Matthew & Erica

We're Getting Married!





Grand Rapids, MI

The Loft

Studio D2D

401 Hall Street SW, Suite 121, PO Box 80, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Our Story

How We Met

Like so many others now a days we met online. After chatting for a few weeks or so Matt asked Erica out for dinner. We agreed to meet up for a drinks at IDC in the Amway Grand. Before their first date, Erica decided that she wasn't comfortable going somewhere she hadn't been before so they headed to the north side of downtown Grand Rapids and met up for the first time at Brickyard Tavern. There was a live band and they had a friendly first date with both of them believing that the other wasn't interested. After dinner, Matt walked Erica to her car which was parked a block or so away. We texted each other to make sure the other got home safe and let each other know that we had a great time!

The Proposal

Within a few months of dating, I (Erica) began sharing stories of my time in Marquette for school, how much I missed it, and how badly I wanted to go back. In January/February(2023), we started to talk about what we could do and when we could get to Marquette - I had finally pushed him enough! We asked all of our friends to join us on this great road trip! That ended in one couple telling us the timing didn't work and the rest just not replying to us...

So, we decided to go on our own and bring Mushu and Luana! When we got to Marquette we cooked a fabulous dinner in the AirBnB and relaxed for the hikes and walks that awaited us. The next morning (Friday June 16th) We got breakfast in town and headed for Sugarloaf Mountain. Mushu and Luana had to stop and wait for Matt and I a few times, but we all enjoyed the hike and the reward of the fantastic view from the top.

After our hike we ventured back to our home for the weekend and watched some shows before getting ready for dinner. Matt asked me what shirt he should wear (both dressy) and I immediately asked if we were dressing up and why... Of course he had a flawless response that it was our first night out on vacation (like we normally do). Dressed up and hungry, we went to Iron Bay Restaurant in Lower Harbor. Matt took some fast sips of our wine and had everything in one front pocket, and yet I was CLUELESS. The food was fantastic and the view from our walk on the boardwalk was beautiful.

"How far is the light house from here?" - Matt
"Couple blocks." - Erica
"Think we could walk there?
"We could... but I am WAY too full."
*This was my first 'clue'. He had asked me how close the lighthouse was before we left. It was also my first way of almost messing with his plan.

We drove to the lighthouse and Matt asked for a good spot to take a picture of the lighthouse. I jumped into my tour director role and walked him onto the rock outcropping in the bay of the harbor. From there I half-turned around to see a photographer standing on the hillside beneath the lighthouse and told Matt, "I hope I don't ruin this guy's picture!"

I took a few more steps and when I turned around for the final time to tell Matt to take a picture of the lighthouse, he was down on one knee with the ring.

From there I saw the photographer sprint across the hillside and we had a fantastic time taking photos afterward! @curtisahophotography