
Are Getting Married

You're Invited

October 5th, 2024

Wishing Pond Events

956 New County Road

Dayton ME, 04005

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Our Story

How We Met

Joe and Hannah crossed paths a few years ago at an auto repair facility that Joe managed. Hannah's father Dennis would take his vehicle and everyone in the family's vehicle there to be repaired. Joe would always bring Hannah her keys when her car was done being serviced and they would talk about her Dad's visits to the shop and all the stories he had to tell. Years went by and They didn't see each other very much. The next time they crossed paths was at Funky Bow Brewery, Hannah had a summer job there pouring beers and Joe visited every so often, still the conversation was 'Hey, how's your Dad doing?' Again, a few years went by and then Hannah and Joe connected on a dating App. Hannah asked Joe 'Do you know who I am?' And he replied, 'Yes, you're Hannah...Dennis' daughter'. They continued to talk and catch up and the conversations changed to, 'What are you doing this weekend?' 'Would you like to grab a drink with me?' Hannah of course replied 'yes!' and they agreed to meet at his house and go on a date. They had a wonderful time over drinks, that turned into dinner and that turned into, 'please come and watch a movie with me'. Joe walked Hannah to her car at the end of the night, all she could think about is how bright the stars were that night. They exchanged a hug and she headed home.
The next day, Joe asked her to come over and hangout, Easter which she responded and said she would love to come by for a little while. His children were home and they said their hellos and hurried on their way to do other things. It was a beautiful spring day that Hannah & Joe spent on the deck. After that, they began to hangout more and more and cook delicious food together and that quickly became their bonding activity. Soon after, their dogs Bobo and Brewer met and became inseparable. They began to adventure together more and more and became inseparable themselves.

The Proposal

It was Father's Day, and Hannah and Joe were getting ready to go to a celebration for her Dad and all of the Dad's on that side of her family, as well as her Dad's birthday. Hannah, was the last one out the door in her floral dress and she headed for the truck. She was about to get in and noticed Joe and the kids, Jaylen and Lyric having a conversation on the bed of the truck and looking at his cell phone. She got in the car and said 'Hey, let's go we're going to be late!' Joe walked over to her side of the truck, opened the door and asked her to 'Come here for a moment please, I need to show you something.' She agreed and followed Joe to the front of their yard with all the flowers and her buddha head. That was when he got down on one knee and took out the most beautiful pink ring box Hannah had ever seen. He said to her, 'Hannah, I love you so much. Would you please do me the honor of joining our family?' To which Hannah responded 'Yes!' They hugged and kissed. In the background you could hear Jaylen and Lyric clapping. Little did Hannah know Jaylen had been snapping photos the whole time and captured their special moment. They were all very happy and loaded into the truck to go and share their news!