You're Invited
Our Story
How We Met
We both attended North Dakota State College of Science in Wahpeton. I started college in August of 2018, for Criminal Justice. While Dylan started in August of 2019, for Welding. We both joined the NDSCS Trap team in 2019-2020. We didn’t even notice each other at first! But then, we ended up at a party together and our love for each other flourished!
The Proposal
Dylan rented a boat when we were on vacation in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. He planned to take me to the Houghton/Hancock Lift Bridge and propose there, but the boat he rented had other plans. The boat motor blew up while out on the water.
Later that evening, after we got the boat returned, I went to the dock to go fishing! He followed me and as I turned around he was down on one knee saying “I know today didn’t go as planned, but will you marry me?”