Kelsey & Peter
We’re Getting Married!
North Stonington, CT
Buckle up folks, it's time for some backstory! (But seriously, I've never been able to tell a short story, so prepare yourselves) . Dan Murphy (Father of the Bride, and henceforth referred to as Murph) and Pete Gamerdinger (Father of the Groom) went to high school together in Deep River, Connecticut. They ran in the same circle and played baseball together all 4 years, however they lost touch post graduation.
Fast forward to the 4th of July, 2018. Pete and Murph had reconnected via Facebook, and the Gamerdinger family was at the Murphy household for a BBQ in Ivoryton. I know what you're thinking..."How cute! They met and fell in love at a backyard BBQ." But you would be mistaken because Kelsey was not there. She was, in fact, 3,000 miles away in North Hollywood, having no idea that her future husband was in her childhood home and hitting it off with his future in laws. You see, it was Pam and Murph who first fell in love with Peter. Making a point to tell Kelsey about his generosity, kindness and "impressive firm handshake." (They failed to mention his last name, which may have changed the course of this story, but alas, we will never know). They were so taken with the young Gamerdinger, that Murph even made plans to meet up with him for a birthday drink when he was in Los Angeles that fall.
However, that birthday drink never happened. Through some cruel twist of fate, Murph had shattered his shoulder, rendering himself unable to fly. So he and Pam got to work. On October 19th, 2018, Kelsey received a phone call from her parents asking her if she had plans for the following evening. Since her car had recently been totaled (for the record-this was not her fault) she said no. After some careful consideration, and a bribe or two, Kelsey agreed.
On October 20th, Kelsey began the harrowing journey from North Hollywood to Santa Monica. If you're not familiar with Los Angeles, imagine taking over an hour and a half to drive 16 miles through standstill, rush hour type traffic (despite it being 9:00 pm), with a Lyft driver who doesn't speak, all to meet a stranger your parents forced you into meeting. Harrowing indeed. And yet, being the good daughter that she is, she did it. She arrived ("Late. Make sure you add that she was late."), and went into Finn McCool's Irish Pub. She made herself quite comfortable in the corner, grabbed a Guinness, and waited...and waited...and waited. Eventually, after being over 20 minutes late, Peter waltzed into the bar, wearing an "Idiot IPA" shirt. The bold decision to so brazenly wear the word "Idiot" on a first date, along with the audacity of being more than fashionably late, did not set this duo up for success.
However, he quickly won her over with some witty banter, several Guinness and the fact that he was Red Sox fan. Peter also didn't even hesitate to buy a round for Kelsey's friend Dom, who had driven all the way from The Valley to make sure she hadn't been murdered, so he was definitely a keeper. The two ended up watching the entire 2018 World Series together and then, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get rid of him.
Story time round two! Let's set the scene. March 25, 2023. Peter, Kelsey and the whole cast of Ben Hur (Dom, The Brits-Freddie and Chesca- and Sammy) had flown in to celebrate what Kelsey assumed was just a surprise 30th birthday party. The crew got up, enjoyed some coffee and pastries, and began to plan their day. The guests all wanted to do one thing: explore Gillette Castle...the only problem? It was hailing...hard. Now, being the ever so cool and not at all dramatic individual that she is, Kelsey pointed out that there was a lot of unappealing weather, and they better just stay inside. Apparently, that was a ridiculous suggestion, because she was overruled. However they did decided to stay closer to home. All except one started to get ready for a walk in downtown Essex. Kelsey was still convinced going outside in this weather was absolutely insane but finally decided to throw a sweatshirt on and go. Dom, playing the role of the supportive friend, said "Absolutely not. You need to look better than that," and then barricaded the door until a more suitable outfit was put on. Now, I know what you're thinking, "She has to have some idea he was going to propose," and you would be correct! However, Peter loves nothing more than a good view, and Kelsey really doesn't do well in the cold, so there was no chance in her mind that a proposal was happening that day. The group walked up and down Main Street. Fred and Peter had an anxiety fueled speed to their walk that would put most Olympian's to shame, while Kelsey, Dom, Chesca and Sammy strolled behind. After a few failed attempts at photos together on the dock (like I said, Kelsey really doesn't do well in the cold...or the wind...or the rain...or the outdoors), the group made their way to get some lunch. Just as they were closing in on The Black Seal, Peter decided he needs to get a photo in the gazebo right now. Always one to prioritize food over photos, Kelsey disagreed. After all, the gazebo would still be there after a quick bite to eat. But the group rallied behind Gamerdinger and forced the hungry, confused Kelsey into the park. Peter stood on the far side while everyone took out their phones, and Dom forced Kelsey out of her jacket (incase you missed this, it was 40 degrees and hailing, so you can imagine how well this went). By the time she turned around, Peter was on a knee and holding out the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. "You are the most dramatic person I've ever met. Will you marry me?" According to Peter, many beautiful things were said before this, however this was what stuck.
It should be noted, that despite the dramatics going into it, this was the perfect place for a proposal. This park not only played a huge role in Kelsey's childhood as the home of many picnics with her cousins and grandma, but it was also where her parents had their wedding photos taken 38 years ago.
It is also important to note, that Peter had no choice but to propose on this day because he had planned a surprise 30th/engagement party with Pam that was happening that night.