Katrina & Charles

We're Getting Married!





Tucson, AZ

The Buttes at Reflections

9800 N Oracle Road, Tucson, AZ 85704

Our Story

How We Met

It was a dark and stormy summer night in southern Arizona. Katrina was driving home when out of nowhere a giant tumbleweed blew onto the road right in front of her car. She swerved, the tumbleweed swerved and then bam her tire blew. By now the storm had fully arrived and was in full form, rain pouring down hitting her now stopped vehicle. She put on her hazards, got out of the car to see the damage when a truck pulled up right behind her. A handsome muscular man stepped out of the truck into the pouring rain, walked over to where she stood, now soaking wet by her flat tire. She looked up and Charles looked down, their eyes met and it was instant love at first sight... just kidding, they both swiped right, by the end of the first date Charles proclaimed to Katrina "I could look into your eyes forever" and they've been together ever since.

The Proposal

After hours of research to find the perfect diamond Charles purchased the ring. One nice summer day Charles pulled Katrina close, looked into her eyes and began to kneel while saying "I love you with all of my heart and would love nothing more than to have the opportunity to love you as a husband". Katrina looked down to see a gorgeous diamond on display in a beautiful ring box and the man she loved eagerly awaiting an answer that she failed to give. Asking him to stand up while she cried, Katrina gave Charles hugs and kisses while sayin "I love you", Charles then said "Well?" and Katrina smiled with tear filled eyes and said "Yes!!"