
Are Getting Married !

You're Invited

April 9th, 2024

The Cabins on Strawberry Hill

5306 N. Highway 87

Strawberry AZ, 85544

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Our Story

How We Met

We have known each other since 2013, we met in middle school through mutual friends. We “talked” for a brief time in 7th grade, but fast forward a couple years to freshman year of high school, is where our love story began. 🤍

The Proposal

I knew I was going to marry her from the first day of freshman year, with her pretty turquoise braces. Obviously we were very young so I couldn’t do it then. But once we finally had our own place with just the two of us, I knew it was time ! I knew she wanted all of her immediate family there when I popped the question so come her 21st birthday weekend in Vegas, most of her immediate family was there. When we got to the restaurant, Fogo de Chão, I snuck away and asked the server if she could bring out the ring in a nice fashioned way. After eating, the server brought out the ring on a tray with 2 glasses of champagne. She of course said yes and we partied the night away !💍