Joanne & Jeffery
Dunn, NC
Jeffery’s story:
Life in my college years was full of promise. The hope of succeeding in business and launching a parallel military career set the stage for numerous milestones in my young adult life. One milestone included marriage and family. Amidst my mountain top experiences, I never imagined failing at anything - especially in something as weighty as marriage. Fortunately, God extended his redemptive grace that fully covered my failed marriage and placed me in right-standing with Him (Hosea 6:1, Jeremiah 15:19-21).
After a long period alternating between waiting in my singleness and spinning my wheels in the dating world, a friend and neighbor recommended that I press pause on my fast-paced life and take the time to meet her friend Joanne. My initial response was a polite “no, thank you” - twice. Given my upcoming relocation and emotional exhaustion from attempting to find marriage on my own, I had no intention of trying again anytime soon. Eventually, in October of 2023, I decided to get to know Joanne. For those who have recently walked closely with me, the past months have been an accelerated ride since the first date (Isaiah 30-18-26).
My current life as a single person is far from dull or empty as I continue to walk in the same hope and promise as in my earlier years. My military career and ministry have placed me in life changing adventures and challenges, all of which I look forward to continuing for as long as feasible. Excitement for life with Joanne is not because I am seeking something different or for her to make me whole, but for us to come alongside each other in permanent partnership. The two of us will soon become one flesh, of one accord, and on mission together as we subdue the Earth and cultivate the world around us. That is certainly worthy of celebration (Genesis 2:18-25)!
Jo's Testimony of a Covenant-keeping God
(Psalms 105:8-11; Deuteronomy 6:9, Deuteronomy 8, 9)
My story of meeting Jeffery started before I met Jeffery! Because that is how God prepared me for him.
God has been so faithful to me, calling me softly to Himself, holding me in the palm of his hand, never letting me stray too far from His fold. While I gave my heart to Jesus as early as 3 years old, I tested the boundaries. Through young adulthood, by nature and by choice, I struggled to control thoughts and emotions, and behaviors. I needed a mighty God who could deliver me from dark places and temptations that could have derailed my life (Psalm 18:16-19). I am still learning to continuously surrender to my Creator and walk daily with His Spirit.
Even from our broken pieces, our past sin and shortcomings, our respective divorces (both from selfishness and hardness of heart), God has redeemed us to create something new and beautiful for His glory.
Teaching in India 2016-18 was a rich experience, with sweet friends Sara, Sonu, Bernard, and others, who pray for me to this day. I saw in them what true devotion to Jesus looks like. I began to feel the emptiness apart from Jesus, having grown far from God. Psalm 106:13-15,21
In 2018-2020, after returning from India, God led me to Raleigh "by the right path, to go to a city where I could live" (Psalm 107:7). He led me to “slow and steady growth” in community with friends like Shanika, Bemi, and Anna. He gave me encouragement and accountability through godly friends like Natalie and Megan. He reminded me how much he loves me and showed me the freedom of forgiveness.
12 For I will be merciful toward their iniquities,
and I will remember their sins no more.” ~Hebrews 8:12 (ESV)
I truly began to taste and see that the Lord is good. In Him is completeness of life; I lack nothing (Psalm 19:10-11; 34:8-10). After plowing and removing sin from my life, God began to use the “compost” of the past to grow beautiful flowers, watering the garden of my life.
2020-2023, I began attending Calvary Chapel Chapel Hill, sitting under the teaching of Scripture and reading through the entire Bible each year for myself, to discern the voice and will of God. "I delight to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart.” (Psalm 40:8 ESV). I love my community group, Don & Debbie, and others who will celebrate our wedding day with us. With them, I have enjoyed equal footing at the cross, applying Truth, and mutually challenging one another to walk closely with Jesus in our daily lives.
In October 2023, just before fulfilling a long-time dream to visit Italy, Carmen suggested I consider meeting a potential life-partner! She sent me a photo of a (very big and strong) handsome man, with the endorsement that he 1) loved Jesus, 2) loved others well (truly, not just lip-service), 3) and could provide for little Joanne. :-D I am glad I said yes to meeting him - even though the first few dates felt like working interviews!! By Christmas, I could tell Jeff knew me very well and treasured my unique way of being. We continued to intentionally date towards possible marriage, until he proposed on April 12 (with a beautiful ring, amazing dinner-for-two, and surprise Proposal Celebration)!
I am proud to have found a place by Jeff's side, his little costilla. I anticipate growing through life’s challenging seasons, being his helpmate, following his leadership, and creating a lifetime of loving, honoring, and serving one another. I look forward to partnering with Jeffery in love and service towards others as a couple, ministering to our families, our parents, siblings, friends, church family, and the broader world. "Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind" in my past, and "straining forward to what lies ahead," in my future with Jeffery, for the glory of God, and unto eternity. (Philippians 3:12-13 ESV)
Each of you is here because you have walked closely with one or both of us up to this day. Thank you for celebrating the work of restoration of God in our lives and the new family he is forming through us! We love you!