Jessica & Chase



This is the timeline of awesome events!

Saturday, October 29th

5:25 PM

Wedding Ceremony at The FarmHouse Siloam

2738 Siloam Road, Ararat, NC 27030

This is the part where everyone sits down and watches us say our sappy "I do's" while we gaze lovingly into one another's eyes and make everyone feel all warm inside. It shouldn't get too emotional. We aren't sure if we can handle that kind of pressure.

6:00 PM

Twilight Cocktail Hour at The FarmHouse Siloam - Pavillion

2738 Siloam Road, Ararat, NC 27030

This is the part where the wedding party, bride and groom, and the family take pictures while the rest of you slackers drink free booze and mingle among yourselves for a few minutes. Save us some alcohol, please.

6:30 PM

Stepping on Feet, Otherwise Known as Dancing at The FarmHouse Siloam - The Pavillion

2738 Siloam Road, Ararat, NC 27030

This is the part where we dance with one another and also our mothers. All at the same time. Interpretive dance. Polka.

7:00 PM

Dinner is Served at The FarmHouse Siloam - The Pavillion

2738 Siloam Road, Ararat, NC 27030

Eat, Drink, and be Merry! Do not get in between us and our dinner. We will bite.

7:30 PM

Reception at The FarmHouse Siloam - The Pavillion, The Yard

2738 Siloam Road, Ararat, NC 27030

This is the part where we all dance and drink and laugh and make absolute fools of ourselves, within reason of course. We aren't going to have the energy to pick anyone up off the floor.

11:00 PM

Go Home at Wherever you wanna go, but you can't stay here


Get Out. Go Home. We're Done.

What To Wear

Attire will be semi-formal. Being in October, it could be warm or chilly, so make sure to stay a step ahead of the weather!