The Proposal
Luke spent months working with close family and friends to nail down the perfect proposal. After figuring out the game plan and coordinating with Emily's family and best friend he was ready to go. Unfortunately, one week before the big surprise Luke grabbed the two most important people...Emily and Riley and took them to Lake Skegemog. He realized he wanted a more intimate proposal for the sake of himself and Emily. He made his way to one of their favorite places. Along the way Emily sang karaoke in the car and started a nerve-wracking conversation about marriage. Emily continued talking about never getting married and just living life how they currently were. To no ones surprise this sent Luke into an absolute spiral...should I propose...should I not. After about 15 minutes of contemplating he decided it was time to pop the BIG question. He had Emily counting the swans on the lake (if you know anything about the lake you know what a task this was). After about 5 minutes of waiting for Emily to finish counting she finally said "12 swans plus or minus one because that one may or may not be a stick." With no response from Luke, Emily turned around to find him down on one knee. And in Emily fashion she immediately turned back the other way. After collecting herself she turned back around and said YES! It turned out to be the perfect proposal for the both of them!