Helen Claire & Vance
Helen ClaireJewell
Ponchatoula, LA
We wouldn’t have met if it weren’t for our good friends Chelsea and Brit. We met in 2016 after Helen Claire and Chelsea finished a long day of inventory at BluSpero. Obviously, the best way to unwind after work was to head to the Bulldog and celebrate our hard days work with friends. Chelsea invited her boyfriend (now husband), Brit, and he had his friends tag along. Among those friends was Vance Noland. That night Chelsea definitely made sure to let their friends know that Helen Claire was single. Haha Since then we saw each other at gatherings and Helen Claire spent a couple of nights giving him a ride home since they lived in the same area of town. Vance would ask Helen Claire on a couple of dates but her head was in the clouds (literally). She moved to San Fransisco to work as a Flight Attendant, but Vance was determined! She later missed home and ended up moving back to Louisiana. In 2018 she caught a bouquet at a wedding and posted on SnapChat with the bouquet and the caption “Jokes on them I’m single as a Pringle”. Vance saw that opportunity and ran with it. A couple hours later Helen Claire had an “application for boyfriend” in her text messages. From then on their story began.
Helen Claire is still flying the friendly skies and loves any excuse to travel. Her favorite layover in the States is JAC, Jackson Hole Wyoming. Ever since her first layover there she couldn’t wait to bring Vance. They made plans to go in January of 2023. Unbeknownst to Helen Claire, Vance planned an outing for the two of them while there. He even went so far to have a friend text him about a sight they needed to see while they were near the Tetons. He had her believe that they were going to a spot in the Tetons where they could see Eagles fly. They get to the spot and no Eagles lol, but a beautiful sight of the Tetons! He gets down on one knee and asked the question of a lifetime and of course she said yes!