Andrew & Emily





Dover, PA


Lakeview Farms Events

3440 Admire Rd, Dover, PA 17315

Our Story

The Proposal

After years of long distance dating and many months of which Emily waited in anticipation (including several nice dates that she had her nails perfectly manicured for), Andrew asked Emily on a day she was least expecting, as it was his desire to really surprise her.

It was a Friday before heading back to graduate school in Philadelphia and Emily had just spent several hours of studying for a board exam. Andrew took her on a walk around his family property - which was her idea as she hoped to get some movement in after sitting inside all day studying. She opted to wear sweatpants and a big winter coat because it was a very cold day in January. However, Andrew stopped her and requested an outfit change - of which she was thoroughly confused by and opted to change into leggings (so much dressier right?). They then started on a drive around the property, of which Emily was also confused because she thought this was supposed to be a walk. Andrew drove to the top of the hill and upon asking Emily to remove her coat (he knew she wouldn’t want it to ruin the pictures), the realization finally dawned on her… the moment was here. Shivering in the crisp cold air, on top of the hill as the sun was setting, Andrew asked Emily for her hand in marriage, of which she happily said yes. They then headed to the Oregon Grille for a celebratory dinner and thorough debriefing of how Andrew planned this all out.

We are beyond excited to share our wedding day with all our beloved family and friends. Looking forward to seeing each of you on June 15!