Treyton & Dysnee
Seguin, TX
Trey's Version - In early 2021 I matched with a beautiful girl named Dysnee on bumble. This was my first time using an online dating app so I was very skeptical. We started texting back and forth every day. By the end of the week I had realized I’d spent more time on my phone than doing anything else outside of work. Finally we planned a date to go to an interactive art museum. As the day got closer, my heart dropped further and further into my stomach (in a good way). I drove across town in my beat up Honda civic, praying that the old beater wouldn’t scare her off. As I drove around the parking lot of her apartment I saw her walk out from behind her building with a huge smile on her face. The most beautiful smile I have ever seen to this day. She was wearing a jean jacket with a black crop top underneath, and some green shorts with the white vans combo. Stylish as hell. Her hair was curled and her eyes were glowing in a deep green. There was no way this girl was going on a date with me. I jumped out with some urgency to open the door for her before she could get to the car. She looked surprised but didn’t second guess jumping in the passenger seat. The walk back to the drivers side of the car was only about 8 steps, but it was probably the longest walk I’ve ever taken. I got in the car and said “Hey”. I was completely paralyzed by how stunning this girl was. We immediately started chatting as if we had known each other for a while. Once I remembered how to drive again we headed to the art museum. On the way there we talked about so many different things I can’t even remember what about. My main focus was driving slow as to not throw her head back every time I shifted gears. We had an absolute blast at the art museum. By the end of the date my cheeks were on fire. I hadn’t been this happy in a very long time. Throughout the night her smile alone had nursed my happiness back to life. I didn’t want to tell her that I had work early in the morning, I didn’t want to go home. I just wanted to stay where we were at forever. Unfortunately that’s not how life works. On our way back to the car she jumped on my back and had me carry her. With her arms across my chest I hoped she couldn’t feel how fast my heart was beating. I still don’t know if she did or not. Before we left the parking garage we already had plans for date number two. I drove her home as slow as I could without jamming traffic, walked her up to her apartment door, gave her a hug, and went back to my car. I immediately tried to get ahold of my mom to let her know how crazy in love I was after only 4 hours of being with Dysnee. She didn’t answer which might have been for the best. She would have told me to slow down for a second and not to tell her that I love her yet, which would have been pretty good advice. So glad I waited a whole 5 more days before I told her!!!!
Dysnee’s Version - Treyton and I had been talking via phone for about a week before our first outing finally happened. I could tell that Trey was in no way, shape or form like any of the other guys I had encountered in San Antonio, anywhere honestly. We had decided to go to an interactive art museum, which I was already excited to go to, but boy was I in for an unforgettable night. I got all dressed up, did my hair, put my makeup on, I was excited. He rolls into my apartment complex in his well-loved Civic and hops out to open my door for me with the biggest smile. This was my first of many signs that Treyton truly was a one of a kind man. I still remember the overwhelming feeling of joy I had in those first conversations on the way to the museum, it was like I had known him my whole life and we had just reconnected. Once we got to the museum we skipped inside, yes literally. We bounced around from exhibit to exhibit just genuinely enjoying each other and getting to know one another. I had never been so instantly infatuated with anything in my life, I never wanted the date to end. After seeing every attraction we were going to leave but decided to take one more look at the ball pit. It was closed due to covid but we both contemplated just jumping in. I remember looking at the ball pit wondering if being trespassed was worth it or not, I looked over at Trey and saw that he was game. He was going to do it if I was. Like that saying mom used to tell me "if your friend jumps off a bridge, are you?", he was the friend who would. I knew from that very moment that this was my man. We concluded that we would return when the ball pit was open and headed out. We stopped for boba before Trey asked if I wanted to go back to his place. I was hesitant at first and he tried to sway me by letting me know his roommate had a kiddo at home. That obviously backfired as many of you know, I do not care for little ones. When that didn't work he mentioned he also had a dog at home. Hook, line and sinker lol! On the way to his apartment his civic had some issues, we pulled over and I helped him change his oil (held the light really, but he made me feel important). It is arguably my favorite part of the date. When it was unfortunately time for him to take me home we talked about plans for several dates after this one on the way. He walked me up to my door and gave me a bear hug before we parted ways. I closed the door behind me, watched as he left to ensure he wouldn't hear me and literally started screaming and jumping up and down like a little girl. I don't think I got any sleep that night because I couldn't calm my nerves. I knew that I had met the love of my life.
Trey's Version - About six months into Dysnee and I’s relationship, I knew that I wanted to marry her. I waited to give her this information until about a year in. We both knew that it would happen it was just a matter of when. Little did she know I had it planned out since before she knew I wanted to marry her. Schweitzer mountain in Sandpoint Idaho, the most beautiful sight my eyes had ever seen until I met my Dysnee Rhea. In 2022 we visited Dysnee’s family in Kansas. This was only my second time spending time with her family. After some deep breathes in the kitchen, with my heart in my stomach once again, I asked Scott and Sarah for Dysnee’s hand in marriage. I don’t know what response I expected from them, but they were both happy which was a huge relief to me! The rest of the year didn’t quite go according to plan. In 2023, after a lot of change and growth, I finally had a secure job with good income. The ring shopping began. I decided to custom build Dysnee’s ring with a jeweler I had met a couple months prior to the ring search. Before I proceeded in getting this ring, I called Scott and Sarah to let them know my plans, and make sure they hadn’t changed their minds about me! They were very excited and ready for the proposal to finally take place. I shared with them the ring design, and my plans to propose on our trip to Idaho. Dysnee’s little sister Rhiannon was sweet enough to gather and put together a collage of short videos from Dysnee’s parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents, congratulating us on the beginning of this new chapter in our lives, so that she would have some love from her family after I proposed. Everything was falling into place, and I could not have been more happy. Hiding the ring from Dysnee physically and financially was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. I could tell that she knew something was going on, I just hoped she didn’t think it was something bad. As much as I wanted to drop down on one knee in our apartment living room, I couldn’t. I didn’t plan this all out for nothing. Despite the unaddressed tension, the trip to Idaho had commenced. The closer we got to Idaho the more I started to think that she knew what I was going to do. We landed in Spokane and spent the night there. I was ecstatic to show her one of the places I had fallen so in love with. The smell of pine in the air, the mountains, and the trees. All things that make me feel in sync with the earth, but now with the person that makes me feel in sync with the universe. My grandma picked us up from Spokane and drove us into Sandpoint. At this point I was already trying my best to hold back my emotions. It was all really happening. My grandparents were so excited to be such an essential part of all of this. On day two we had plans to go up to Schweitzer, ride horses, and hike around to enjoy the views. After a sleepless night the time to go up to Schweitzer had finally come. We rode horses which was cool and all, but I paid little to no attention to the horse back riding experience. My mind was racing. I was going over what I would say to Dysnee over and over again. Revising and editing my words over and over and over. We couldn’t have gotten off of those damn horses any faster. I was insistent on getting to the top of the mountain. Dysnee was hungry….. I begged and pleaded to just hike up the mountain with me. “We will eat after I promise”. That didn’t work. We stopped by a bar and grabbed a snack. I didn’t eat. I had nothing else on my mind besides getting to the top of that mountain. Finally Dysnee finished her pretzel with cheese and we made our way up the mountain. We decided the chairlift would be more efficient than hiking all the way up! I started taking pictures and videos of the view as we got higher and higher up the mountain. Once we got to the top Dysnee had to use the restroom, which was a perfect excuse for me to nervously pace back and forth and go over what I was going to say to her. Finally we started down a path to a more secluded part of the mountain top. I was speechless. Dysnee is a very smart woman, and I was almost positive that she knew what I was about to do, so in order to maintain the big surprise I decided to put on an upset front and told her “Man this would have been a perfect place to propose.” Her mood immediately changed, and I felt so horrible. Even though it seemed like I had crushed her dreams she maintained a positive mood because she knew how much this place meant to me. After an awkward couple minutes of her realizing I wasn’t going to propose to her, I got ready to propose to her. I set up my camera and asked if we could take some pictures of her with the view in the background. In the frame of the GoPro was the most beautiful view ever, with the most beautiful person ever. A sight that has been branded into my memory. With her back turned to me, I slowly approached with the ring, and took a knee behind her. Once again, with my heart in my stomach, I tried to say all the things I wanted to say to Dysnee. After all of the stress of finding the right words, all that came out was… “Dysnee, will you please marry me?” She was completely thrown off! She said yes! After some choice words and questions as to why I would tell her I wasn’t proposing, the emotions started flowing. The top of Schweitzer mountain will forever hold the beginning of the most wonderful piece of my existence.
Dysnee’s Version - I knew the question was coming soon, just not how soon. We had talked about it before and Treyton made it very clear that he wanted to ask me somewhere beautiful, somewhere that was important and somewhere that wasn't Texas. We planned our trip to Idaho to visit Trey's grandparents so he could show me where some of his fondest memories were. I had a sneaking suspicion that he'd pop the question on this trip but wasn't too sure because there were NO SIGNS. The only reason I thought it would happen there is because it was beautiful, important and not Texas. I figured there would be some kind of hint like asking me to get my nails done, hushed phone calls, sneaking around packing things, anything. There was none. We arrived in Idaho and all was well. As soon as we finished our morning horseback riding session on day 2, he wanted to go to the top of the mountain, like that very second he NEEDED to take me up there. I was in no rush so I dilly dallied around, stopped to look at the shops and wanted to get a snack. Trey tried his very best to be discreet but I could tell something was going on because he was rushing me and didn't even eat anything. After my snack we made our way up the mountain! Trey was leading me over to a less populated area of the mountain. By this point my brain was screaming at me "he's gonna ask, he's going to ask you!!". I couldn't contain myself but I said nothing to not ruin the moment for him and it was still a "surprise". About 30 feet from where we were headed Trey stops, looks defeated and says "I'm so upset". I obviously asked him why, his response was "Because this would have been the perfect place to propose". My heart sank. At that moment I realized why there were no signs, because it wasn't happening. Who says that to someone when they really are going to propose?? It totally worked though because I was certain that he wasn't going to ask me and just wanted some stupid pictures on the mountain top. I moped over to the spot he set the GoPro up, faked a few smiles for some pics and was just defeated. He said he was going to move the GoPro to a different position and get a few of just me. As I stood there looking out at the view I thought to myself "wtf. like actually wtf" I was sooo sure he was going to do it but nope! Little did I know Trey really went to set the GoPro to record and got on one knee. I turned around to see him there, with a box held up containing a ring, with a diamond so big I thought he picked it up from the Walmart jewelry department. My mind went blank. He asked me the big question and the first words out of my mouth were "you're fucking lying! You just complained about.... YES!!" followed by a few other choice words and some tears. A group of people nearby clapped and congratulated us. I already felt on top of the world because we were on a mountain but after that I felt like I was floating with the stars!!