How We Met
We're high school sweethearts who really kicked it off when we ended up in the same ROTC class. One of us was an active participant in the yearly fundraiser who convinced the other to contribute with them. Time outside of school gave us a chance to talk and connect. After high school we kept in touch just enough to be in each other's lives even though we didn't see each other for about 7 years. The first chance to see each other after that sealed the deal and we got back together as adults. The rest is history!
The Proposal
The proposal was a whole day affair. Starting at Interurban for brunch as a nostalgic place for "fancy" dates as teenagers, we then went to the Science Museum and enjoyed our inner childhood spirits. After that a reservation at Gage's steakhouse immediately preceeded a walk through the Guthrie Apothecary Garden where the proposal action happened. We topped off the day with ice cream and drinks at our favorite Guthrie establishments where we celebrated with our favorite shopkeeps.