Casie & Garson

We’re Getting Married!

Casie Newton


Garson Burns


Glenville, NC

Chimney Pond Farm

240 Chimney Pond Rd, Glenville, NC 28736

Our Story

How We Met

Love is a hard thing to describe and is always elusive when you try to point your finger at it. When we first met there was always something more when we spoke, always a deeper understanding of what we needed. Never have we felt more connected to another person or so in tune with what someone needed or how they felt. Soon, we would do things for each other that seemed way out of character and eventually we understood what love is. In some of the darkest times in our lives we found our rays of sunshine. Ever since then there has never been a cloudy day.

The Proposal

A feigned trip due to stress took us to Edisto Island where I planned to propose on a specific beach. Upon arrival the area was nothing like I had imagined so all my plans had been crushed. During dinner on our first night down we started discussing our future life with kids and how amazing our family would be. This conversation sparked something in me so on that cold night in February we sat on the beach with a propane heater and watched the stars. While running around and having fun I knew that there could never be a more "us" moment. All the words I planned to say spilled out at once in a rush of incomprehensible noise but thankfully I managed to get out the will you marry me and thankfully I managed to get a yes. I also forgot to put the ring on her finger, but I leave that out most of the time.