Our Story
How We Met
Josh and Brielle sat next to each other in their high school math class. Despite math not being Brielle's favorite subject, she thoroughly enjoyed going to class simply because it allowed her to get to know the kind, caring, and humorous classmate, Josh. They shared many wonderful adventures throughout their Junior and Senior years including a perfectly magical prom experience.
The Proposal
After being incredibly supportive during the high stress and time consuming curriculum that comes with a bachelor's degree in nursing, Josh planned a celebratory graduation trip to Florida with two of their closest friends. Englewood Florida holds a special place in Brielle's heart as it was home to years of family vacations and treasured memories. Josh planned a picturesque walk along the beach. They were reminiscing about happy family memories when Josh mentioned he was looking forward to creating new family memories together. At the water's edge, Josh took a knee. He presented a beautifully crafted ring, that he personally deigned, and asked Brielle to be his wife. She joyfully accepted.