Jade & Devin





Webb's Resort

115 W Lake Rd., Mayville, NY 14757

Please call Webb's Resort at (716) 753-2161 to request accommodation for the night of August 20th. Ask for the "BonWalsh Party" and you will be given our room rate. We will be providing transportation to and from the event. Shuttles at 6:00pm, 9:00 pm, 11:00pm, and midnight.

Chautauqua Suites Hotel

215 W Lake Rd, Mayville, NY 14757

Located right down the road from Webb's Resort, Chautauqua Suites Hotel can accommodate you. Please call Chautauqua Suites Hotel at (716) 269-7829 to request accommodation for the night of August 20th. We will be providing transportation to and from the event FROM WEBB'S (down the road). Shuttles at 6:00pm, 9:00 pm, 11:00pm, and midnight.