How We Met
Brandon and David met as many Gen-Z couples do, TINDER! At the time, Brandon was attending college at Tompkins Cortland Community College, and David was attending college at SUNY Cortland. On their first date, David took Brandon to Destiny USA in Syracuse, NY. David picked Brandon up at his dorm room, and had to wait for awhile before Brandon worked up the courage to meet him in person. They talked the entire drive up to Destiny, which is approximately a 40 minute drive, and the entire time at the mall. David took Brandon to Panera Bread for the first time, and since then it is a chain they frequent often. After talking the entire way back to Brandon's dorm, they sat in David's car talking for another 3 hours. So long that David's car battery died. But that didn't matter, because it was also the night of their first kiss. Since then, they graduated college, moved back home with their parents, and then made a big leap together ~ they moved to Nashville, TN in August 2019, where they live to this day with their fur baby, Echo.