Bethany & Joshua


Bethany Greene
Joshua Benoit

Dec 7th, 2024

At Strawberry Manor

Ponchatoula, Louisiana

Strawberry Manor

1690 Veterans Ave

Ponchatoula LA, 70454

Get Directions

Our Story

The Proposal

The day started out just like any other travel day, but Josh was freaking out that TSA would want to look in his bag and pull out the ring. Luckily nothing happened and made it through with out any problems. We then arrive at Walt Disney World, the day was going great and it was beautiful outside. After a few hours we head to the marina to meet the captain and photographer for the firework cruise, and get some dinner, while in the restaurant it starts to pour down raining. Then, once again Josh starts freaking out and Bethany was just enjoying her Mac and Cheese. About 10 minutes before we were set to sail away for the firework cruise it stops raining. So, we set sail around Disney to see some hidden features and secret places. Next we approach Cinderella's castle and wait for Happily Ever After, the firework show to start. As the show starts Bethany is getting excited, and Josh is getting more and more nervous. During the song you'll be in my heart the photographer asked us to stand to get some pictures and it was time. This is when Josh finally proposed and Bethany said no three times (out of shock) before finally yelling, YES!