You're Invited
August 10th, 2024
The Armory Arts and Events Center
127 E Clinton Street
Napoleon OH, 43545
Our Story
How We Met
Byron and I met on August 3rd, 2019 at Hamilton Lake in Hamilton, Indiana. My mother was having an F&M work party and had invited Byron. My mom didn’t think Byron would come to the party because he was a new employee, but to her surprise, he was the first one there! I lived in Toledo, OH at the time and had decided to come join the fun at the lake that day. When I arrived at the lake, I met Byron as soon as I walked inside and instantly asked my mom “where did you find him!?!?!” I initially didn't speak to Byron much because his accent made me nervous, but as the night went on and I had a few drinks, I got pretty chatty, imagine that! Byron told me he had never been on a Jet Ski before, so I told him he should come up some time and I’ll take him out on the lake. We then exchanged phone numbers. Somewhere along the line I ended up getting sick and Byron was sweet enough to stick around and hold my hair for me, haha! Byron eventually left after I begged him to leave because I was so embarrassed. I surely thought I’d never see him again. To my surprise, we started texting the very next day. Every day after that we talked all day long and grew very close. I moved back to Archbold in the summer of 2021, and Byron moved in with me shortly after that. The rest is history! We’ve been best friends since day one and have made so many memories together. We’ve gone to NYC together AND Cancun, Mexico! Such great laughs and time spent together. Shortly after moving back to Archbold, Byron became a dog-dad to my pride and joy, Princess Bella. In April of 2022, we got our first pet together, Rolo, and in December of 2023 we got our first cat together, Grady! We have our own little family, and we love every second of it!
The Proposal
On October 21st, 2023 my best friend asked me to Marry him. October 21st was Byron’s 28th Birthday AND it was Sweetest Day. Every year on Byron’s birthday I try to surprise him with something, but this year he was very adamant about planning for us to go to a hockey game in Fort Wayne. I honestly didn’t think much of it because it was sweetest day. The morning of, I gave Byron his birthday presents and sweetest day gift. Byron then told me that for Sweetest day, he had planned a photo shoot for us. I was so excited! Again, I didn’t think anything of it because it was sweetest day. When we get to Fort Wayne, IN we go have dinner at this super fancy restaurant and it was delicious! After dinner, we head to this BEAUTIFUL park in Fort Wayne that was just covered with beautiful landscape and flowers. Ironically, there was a wedding there that day! Haha! We meet up with the photographers and they were great! They were taking our pictures all over the park. Just about the time I thought the photo shoot was coming to an end, Byron got on his knee and asked me to Marry him! Spoiler.. I said YES! This was such a special day to me…. My very best friend in the whole world, on his knee, asking me to be his wife. The best part, it was ALL caught on camera! This man knows me well! He did good! Of course, after this big surprise, we had to go celebrate by watching my very first Hockey Game! The ring, absolutely beautiful. The day, absolutely beautiful. The memory, absolutely PERFECT <3.