
We said yes! Join us in the countdown until we say "I do." We're so excited to celebrate our wedding with you. Find all the details you need to know about our big day here.

You're Invited

August 31st, 2024

Studio D2D

401 Hall Street SW, Suite 121

PO Box 80

Grand Rapids MI, 49503

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Our Story

How We Met

The Love Story of Cory and Anna. In 2005 the two were taking a course together, during the course there was an instant attraction. The two would always converse and present subtle flirtatious gestures. Neither ever said let's take this to another level but became good friends during this point in their life. The course ended and both individuals went on to live their separate lives. The two would cross paths from time to time casually speaking. When they would see photos on social media, they quickly tried to catch up with what was going on with each other’s lives. In December of 2020, Anna reached out to Cory on Facebook doing a check in and he asked to meet up at Gator Dockside which was not their norm. Of course Anna being the socialite agreed. After the meet up, the two friends started inviting one another places from company Christmas parties, the Clermont Brewery, Bella Collina, Boat Life, Disney Springs, Real Life Church, hockey and eventually they began meeting each other’s family and friends.

The Proposal

A Night of College football is when Cory decided to pop the question. Anna and Cory hosted the 2023 University of Florida vs Florida State University where they were mixing and mingling while playing Jenga and Uno. Anna went into the kitchen to assist family and when she walked back into the living room, Cory was on one knee proposing. Anna was clueless as to what was going on. Once she realized he was serious she was so happy all she could do was hug and kiss him. She eventually said yes! The are excited for this journey together called Marriage.