You're Invited
Our Story
How We Met
David and I met through a mutual friend. We started talking and a few weeks later David confessed his interest in me (haha). At first I was very hesitant but I gave it a shot. The first time we hung out was for my sister in laws birthday and it was like he was already apart of the family and we had known each other for a long time, it just felt so right. When I say you know when you found the one, I knew right away! From that moment on we have been inseparable. David would always say from the very beginning we would be getting married or how “he was going to marry this girl”. Here we are almost 4 years later with two beautiful amazing children and getting married. We can’t wait to spend forever together.
The Proposal
I had already knew David was going to propose but when and how I had no idea. He took me to look at rings and we picked one out. It was Christmas Eve and I woke up to our son Memphis wearing a onesie that David had my mom make that said “Mommy, will you MARRY my daddy?”. And let me say I cried. It was the sweetest and cutest thing ever. Of course I said YES!!