Brooke & Matt

We’re Getting Married!





Ionia, MI

Applewood Farms

579 E Parmeter Rd, Ionia, MI 48846

Our Story

How We Met

Surprisingly... on Hinge. Online dating might not be for everyone, but it surely worked out for us!

The Proposal

Matt was requested to travel to Los Angeles, CA to do a recording for a ~disclosed opportunity that will not be named~ where he invited me to tag-along for the trip! I have always wanted to travel to California, and was super excited for the weekend trip!

(I would like to add before we move any further that I was completely unaware that any of this was planned/happening. Matt's family knew, my parents & David knew, and Olivia & Shelby did too ( p.s.- thanks for getting my nails done before the trip!!))

He asked me to make a list of all the stuff I would like to try to accomplish during the trip which included but was NOT limited to: the Santa Monica Pier, Blue Star Donuts (10/10 vegan donuts), The Butcher's Daughter (for both brunch & dinner), Small World Books (the cutest hidden bookshop ever), Abbot Kinney (shopping), the pacific ocean (OBVIOUSLY!!!!), and lastly the Venice Canals.

The Venice Canals was Matt's idea, I didn't even know they existed but we took a short walk through them Saturday morning and he knew right then, that he wanted the moment to be there. We carried on with our trip - meeting up with people, being typical tourists, and relaxing.

Sunday night it was the day before our one year anniversary together! He planned a dinner for us (@ the butcher's daughter), which I figured was to celebrate our up-coming anniversary. As we were leaving he mentioned he wanted to walk through the canals before, since he figured with the sunset it would be extra pretty. When we arrived there, it took 3 attempts for us to find a bridge that wasn't crowded with people, and that's when he popped the question! He had a friend there taking pictures of the whole thing. It was completely heart-felt, romantic, and was honestly one of the best moments of my life. I have never felt so loved & special before. Of course, I said yes and will continue to say yes everyday into the unforeseen future.

We started dating on a Sunday - got engaged on a Sunday - we thought it would only be right to get married on one too.

We cannot wait to have you join us for the next step on this journey.


w/ love - Brooke & Matt