Our Story
How We Met
We met in class while exchange students overseas. I was early to prepare (as always) and Milo, well, he mixed up his schedule and was simply there by accident. Accident or fate, we spent the next hour together chatting over the best restaurants in town, most extradorinaiy sites and soon we were exploring them together -- everyday, for the rest of the semester. Between our love of food and adventure, and singing in the rain after a 15 mile hike, we knew it was meant to be. As these things go, the rest is really history.
The Proposal
Milo, a true romantic at heart snuck me away to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon on one of our long weekends away. Pretending to stage a photo to send back home, he put the camera on record, got down on one knee and took my breath away! From the setting sun, to the words he spoke, it couldn't have been more perfect! We truly can't wait to spend this special day with you and. begin our lives together as a married couple!